TIME: 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
One of the premier forums of the country’s book world, the Publishers & Booksellers Guild was founded in the year 1975. The Guild comes in a big way with the object of promoting reading habits amongst the people and extending help to the publishers and booksellers in the successful pursuance of their trade. The Guild helps people in need to become part of a real community – somewhere they can find ideas, advice and information. The Guild helps them by providing a forum to exchange ideas and resources. Smaller companies need a loud collective voice and the strength to make an impact in the wider society. Again, the Guild provides them the platform. The activity of the Guild stretches far beyond this. Being a social organisation, Guild is quite aware of its social obligations and within limited resources, tries its best to discharge its
International Kolkata Book Fair is the world’s largest attended Book Fair and is recognized by the International Publishers Association, Geneva in their calendar of Book Fairs in terms of number of visitors Publishers from different parts of the country and abroad regularly participate in this book fair which commences in the month of January every year. Here the book lovers come across a huge variety of books from all over the world. Every year a country is invited to participate as the Focal Theme to showcase its literature and culture.
Countries from all continents participate in the fair and delegations consisting of authors, artists and critics visit the fair to exchange views with their counterparts in India on this occasion. A number of important seminars, symposia, lectures and debates attended by leading speakers from all over the world are also organized during the fair.